hCG Women Pregnancy Strip, 25mIU/ml, Sample: urine. 1000 strips per Carton/ 50 strips each box
hCG Women Pregnancy Dip Card, 25 mlU/ml, 500 per Carton/ 25 each box
The Pregnancy urine test is a qualitative immunoassay for the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy. hCG is a hormone produced by the placenta, which, in normal subjects, provides an early indication of pregnancy. The One-Step Pregnancy urine test provides a qualitative screening result and is for healthcare professional use only and not for self-testing. The test is available in cassette, strip, dip card, and mid-stream formats.
hCG Women Pregnancy Midstream, 25mIU/ml, Sample: urine. 1000 per Carton/ 20 each box
- The Pregnancy One Step Rapid Test (Midstream) is an in vitro diagnostic visual qualitative immunochromatographic assay designed for the rapid determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine to aid in the detection of pregnancy
- The test is for OTC self-testing use only
- Kit includes two pouches, each containing a midstream test device, Instruction for Use, and desiccant
- The desiccant is for storage purposes only and is not used in the test procedure
- A procedural control is included in the test
hCG women pregnancy test cassette, 25mIU/ml, Sample: urine. 500 units per Carton/25 units each box
The Pregnancy urine test is a qualitative immunoassay for the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in human urine for the early detection of pregnancy. hCG is a hormone produced by the placenta, which, in normal subjects, provides an early indication of pregnancy. The One-Step Pregnancy urine test provides a qualitative screening result and is for healthcare professional use only and not for self-testing. The test is available in cassette, strip and mid-stream formats.